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Interview Review

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  •  English    15     Public
    Employment, job research, interview...
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name one thing you have to bring to an interview
  •  15
  • True or False: Some companies will google your name and stalk social media before they decide if they want to hire you.
    TRUE. Employers are possibly looking to job candidates' social media profiles to determine whether they are a good fit for positions.
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  • True or False: When you are shaking hands with someone you should never look them in the eye.
    FALSE. You need to show your politeness as well as your professional greeting through approriate eye contact.
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  • How early should you arrive to the interview appointment?
    5-15 minutes
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  • True or False: You should never ask an employer questions in an interview.
    FALSE. Have some questions prepared to ask at the end or when appropriate.
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  • What should you do with your phone during an interview?
    The phone should be on silent or off.
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  • True or False: You should never try to practice interview questions.
    False. Always practice interview questions ahead of time so that you feel comfortable answering questions that may be asked.
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  • True or False: Playaaaz$ is a email which should be included on a resume.
    FALSE. You need to have a professional email for your career
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  • Name three ways to search for a job.
    newspaper, job fairs, social medias, networking, agencies
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  • True or False? You should always wear a suit and tie to an interview.
    False. It depends. One should research the company to see what attire is appropriate: Casual, business, or business formal.
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  • What is the most common and important interview question to be posed first?
    Can you describe yourself? / Tell me about yourself
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  • What are job references?
    References are the names and contact details of people who know you (your previous employers/bosses, coworkers)
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  • True or False: Soft Skills are the skills that make you a good employee. 
    TRUE. Example: being reliable, problem-solving, time management...
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  • True or False: Typing and computer skills are a soft skill
    FALSE. They are hard skills needed for a specific job, e.g. secretaries, office workers...
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  • Name a hard skill and a soft skill that you would need if you worked as a restaurant server.
    Example: HS - cleaning tables, serving food, taking orders. SS: communicating effectively, multi-tasking, teamworking
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