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British Culture: history

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    A history kahoot to introduce aome aspects of British culture.
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  • What's the name of the most famous prehistoric monument in Britain?
    Druids monument
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  • How were the ancient priests who worshipped at Stonehenge called?
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  • The people who originally inhabited Britain were the
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  • One of the European invaders who turned into the English were the...
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  • Who were the people who invaded Britain in 43 A.D. and built villas and roads?
    The Anglo-Saxons
    The Romans
    The Celts
    The Vikings
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  • Who had a Round Table?
    King John
    King Arthur
    Robin Hood
    King Lear
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  • Who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor?
    Richard , Heart of Lion
    King Lear
    Robin Hood
    King Arthur
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  • The set of rules for the monarchy to follow, written in 1215 is called
    the Magna Carta
    the Kings' Rules
    the Kings' Carta
    the Constitution
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  • What killed a third of the population of Britain?
    the Black Death
    the cholera
    the flu
    the Big fire of London
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  • what was the most famous king of England, who he had six wives, called?
    Henry IV
    Henry III
    Henry VII
    Henry VIII
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  • The dispute which ended with the execution of Charles I was
    the War of the Spanish Succession
    the Seven Years War
    the battle of Trafalgar
    the Civil War
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  • Who defeated Napoleon’s fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar?
    Oliver Cromwell
    Admiral Nelson
    King Arthur
    James Cook
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  • which of the following queens lived the longest?
    Queen Elizabeth I
    Queen Mary of Scotland
    Queen Victoria
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  • What was the British name for the war at the beginning of the 20th century?
    The Great War
    The Large War
    The Big War
    The British War
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  • The states formed by Britain and its colonies at the beginning of the 20th c. was called
    the British colonies
    the UK Empire
    the British Empire
    the English Empire
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  • What happened in 1066?
    The Vikings invaded England
    The Roman conquest of England
    The Saxons invaded England
    The Norman conquest of England
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