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Modals: Necessity, Advisability, Certainty

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    English Modals of Necessity, Advisability, Certainty, Past and Present/Future. Focus on Grammar Part 2
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  • Three ambulances are trying to get through traffic on the freeway. There _______ an accident.
    must be
    ought to be
    should be
    couldn't be
  •  15
  • David is absent from class today because he ____ his father to the airport
    must have taken
    had to take
    should take
    must to take
  •  15
  • The streets and sidewalks are dry this morning. It _________ last night.
    couldn't have rained
    must not have rained
    didn't have to rain
    shouldn't have rained
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  • Joe's car had a big dent on the side. Someone ______ it.
    must have hit
    should have hit 
    had to hit 
    should hit 
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  • After the accident, Joe ___ his insurance. It was important that he get it repaired right away.
    had to call
    must not have called
    couldn't have called
    didn't have to call
  •  15
  • Yesterday, Julie had a headache and felt tired. Today she is not in class.
    She must be sick.
    She can't be sick.
    She doesn't have to be sick.
    She should be sick.
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  • I didn't bring a sweater, and now I am cold.
    I must have brought a sweater 
    I may have brought a sweater 
    I didn't have to bring a sweater 
    I should have brought a sweater 
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  • That restaurant across the street is always crowded day and night.
    It should have good food. 
    It ought to have good food.
    It couldn't have good food
    It must have good food.
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  • I've gotten A's on all my tests and homework so far. I _______  an A in the class.
    should get
    could get
    mustn't have gotten
    don't have to get
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  • You __________ in class! It's against the law.
    must not smoke
    don't have to smoke
    aren't supposed to smoke
    shouldn't  smoke
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  • I just added more toner (ink) to my printer. My printer ________ better now.
    must not print
    should print
    isn't printing
    doesn't have to print
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  • Brady just got an A on a very difficult test. He ________ very happy.
    couldn't be
    doesn't have to be
    he had better be
    must be
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  • Kristen wasn't in class yesterday. She ___________ sick.
    should have been
    couldn't have been
    didn't have to be
    must have been 
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  • I already finished my homework, so I __________ tonight.
    shouldn't study
    don't have to study
    must not study
    can't study
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  • Yesterday I was running out of gas, so I ________ to get gas on my way home. I made it home OK.
    should have stopped
    could have stopped
    had to stop
    must have stopped
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