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Lesson 27

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  •  English    9     Public
    Play Double
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  • Eu não quero vender meus brinquedos para meus amigos
    I don't want to sell my toys to my friends
    I don't want to pay my toys to my friends
    I don't want to sell my toys my friends
    I don't want to sell my toys for my friends
  •  15
  • Eu tenho um pouco de dinheiro na minha bolsa
    I have some cash in my wallet
    I have some cash in my backpack
    I have some cash in my purse
    I have some cash in my bag
  •  15
  • Eu quero pagar em dinheiro
    I want to pay with money
    I want to pay cash
    I want to pay money
    I want to pay with cash
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  • Eu não gosto de pagar com cartão de crédito
    I don't like to pay with credit card
    I don't like to pay by credit card
    I don't like to pay credit card
    I don't like to pay for credit card
  •  15
  • Vamos fazer um churrasco!
    Let's have a barbecue!
    Let's do a barbecue!
    Let's eat a barbecue!
    Let's make a barbecue!
  •  15
  • Vamos fazer um lanche
    Let's make a snack
    Let's do a snack
    Let's have a snack
    Let's eat a snack
  •  15
  • Eu estou procurando uma camisa nova
    I'm looking for a new t-shirt
    I'm not looking for a new shirt
    I'm looking for a new blouse
    I'm looking for a new shirt
  •  15
  • Estou procurando um caixa eletrônico
    I'm looking for a ATM
    I'm looking for an ATM
    I'm looking an ATM
    I'm looking at ATM
  •  15
  • Ela está provando o vestido
    She is trying the sneakers on
    She is trying the dress on
    She is trying the socks on
    She is trying the skirt on
  •  15