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What are they asking?

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  •  English    20     Public
    Pragmatic bubbles
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Mummy said something but she did not hear it? What is she asking?
    Can you repeat /say again mummy?
  •  15
  • Daddy was suppose to pick him up at 12 but he came at 12:30pm? What do you think he will ask daddy?
    Why are you late? Did something happen?
  •  15
  • It is their first time in this city and they dont know where to go, What will they ask each other?
    Where should we go? What do you guys want to do first?
  •  15
  • His sister is late so he is calling her, what did he ask?
    Where are you now? How long more will you take?
  •  15
  • He is about to buy something but he forgot to bring his cash/money? What will he ask?
    Do you take/ accept cards? Can I pay with card?
  •  15
  • He bought 2 coffee and wanted to give you one, what will he ask?
    Do you want some coffee? Are you thirsty, I got an extra cup?
  •  15
  • The girl in the middle is going on a holiday, what will her friends ask her?
    When will you come back?, how long are you going for?
  •  15
  • He just put on some eyes on his play dough and now he wants to put on the nose, what will he ask his teacher?
    Can you give me something to put as nose?
  •  15
  • The boy fell into a trap, what will he ask?
    Can you help me spider man? Can someone help me?
  •  15
  • It is their first time on the rollercoaster and they can't wait for it to stop. What will they ask?
    When is this going to end/ stop? Can we get down now?
  •  15
  • Soap got in her eyes and now she cant see the tap to wash her eyes. What will she ask?
    I got some soap in my eyes, can someone help me? Hello, can someone help me wipe the soap off?
  •  15
  • The cat sang a very nice song. What will the audience ask her?
    Can you sing another song? Can you sing again?
  •  15
  • Mummy had to go to work but the baby was not too happy. What will he ask?
    Can I come along? Can you not leave me behind?
  •  15
  • The turtle fell on his back and started spinning. What will he ask?
    Can someone help me?
  •  15
  • His sister was screaming because her brother ate her strawberry tart. What will he ask?
    I am sorry I didn't know, can you not shout?
  •  15
  • The naughty chicken was pressing machine buttons randomly. What will his owner ask?
    Can you stop doing that? What are you doing? Why are you pressing the buttons?
  •  15