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4th of July Trivia Quiz

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  •  English    11     Public
    4th of July
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  • The 4th of July, or Independence Day, celebrates which of the following?
    the American colonists' victory in the war against England
    the creation of the first American flag
    the adoption of the Declaration of Independence
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  • What do the stars in the American flag represent?
    the 50 states that make up the United States
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  • How many stripes are on the American flag, and what do they represent?
    13, representing the original 13 colonies that won independence from England
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  • Americans often celebrate the 4th of July with a barbecue. Name 4 typical foods that are eaten at a 4th of July barbecue.
    There are several answers to this question, but your answers should be among these: hot dogs, hamburgers, pickles, cole slaw, potato salad, pie, lemonade, beer
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  • Approximately how many hot dogs are consumed by Americans on the 4th of July each year?
    100 million
    200 million
    150 million
    50 million
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  • Every 4th of July, around 40,000 people head to Coney Island, in Brooklyn, to attend Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest. Last year, 11-time champion Joey Chestnut broke the all-time record by eating how many hot dogs in 10 minutes?
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  • What activity has been called “The American Pastime”?
    watching TV
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  • to touch base means...?
    to fail
    completely wrong
    to communicate briefly with someone
    to be very successful
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  • way off base means ...?
    to communicate briefly with someone
    to be very successful
    completely wrong
    to fail
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  • to hit a home run means ...?
    to communicate briefly with someone
    to fail
    completely wrong
    to be very successful
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  • to strike out means ...?
    to communicate briefly with someone
    to fail
    completely wrong
    to be very successful
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