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Problem Solving - Self Advocating

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  •  English    21     Public
    Self Advocating
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You need to wake up at 7am to leave for a trip. The power goes off at 9p, and you phone battery is super low. What should you do?
    use an external battery, speak to someone in your house, ask whoever you're traveling with to call to wake you
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  • Stan's only pencil breaks while he's doing homework and his teacher insists homework be done in pencil. His pencil sharpener is jammed and he doesn't even have a pen. What else can he do?
    Use a knife to sharpen the pencil, ask a neighbor if they have a pencil to borrow
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  • The Edwards are camping, and want to cook their hamburgers on their camping cookstove. The grill is missing. What can they do?
    Use aluminum foil to create a grilling surface, cook directly over the fire
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  • You want to paint your bedroom but you don't have any dropcloths. No stores are open because it's late at night. What can you do?
    Use an old sheet, find a tarp and use that
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  • You want to plant some bulbs and you don't have a trowel (small shovel). You try to use your hands but the ground is too hard. What can you do?
    Loosen the soil with a screwdriver or some other tool.
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  • Adam and Don's favorite tv shows are on at the same time. There is only one working tv set in the house and each boy wants to use it. What can they do?
    compromise - someone gets to choose today, the other person chooses tomorrow
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  • Marsha comes home from school and notices her bracelet is missing. What should she do?
    The next day, go to the lost and found, go to the main office, look in all the places she was
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  • Tim, Randy and Ted are best friends. They all play soccer together and have the same sneakers. At the end of practice, they take off their shoes and throw them in a pile. How can they figure out who's shoes belong to who?
    Can look at the different sizes, can put them on because their shoes should 'feel right'
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  • Random Riddle: How many months of the day have 28 days?
    All of them
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  • Random Riddle: What has hands and a face, but can't hold anything or smile?
    a clock
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  • Random Riddle: If you don't keep me, I'll break. What am I?
    a promise
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  • Random Riddle: If you don't keep me, I'll break. What am I?
    a promise
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  • You are trying to blow up a beach ball. You keep blowing air into the valve but the ball doesn't get any bigger. What should you do?
    toss it, there's a hole somewhere
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  • While taking her daughter Laura, to a birthday party, Penny realizes she has forgotten the bring the child's present. They are a block away from the party. What should she do?
    drop her daughter at the party and return home for the gift, explain you accidentally left the gift at home and say you'll bring it later.
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  • Sarah was at a party and accidentally spilled red juice down the front of her shirt. What should she do?
    Try to remove the stain, if it's a good friend's house, ask the friend to borrow a shirt
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  • Andy was working out at the gym after school. He was on the exercise bike and he began to feel dizzy. What should he do?
    Get off the bike, drink some water, sit for a few minutes, alert someone that he feels ill
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