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Chapters 1-8

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  •  English    17     Public
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  • What are some hardships faced by the Danish people because of the war?
    Rationed electrictiy, rationed food and beverages, and Jewish shops were being closed down.
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  • Why was Kirsti upset when she and her mother returned from shopping? What was Ellen’s solution to the problem?
    Her mother brought her fish skin shoes. Ellen offered to take them to her mother so she could color them black.
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  • How did the German soldiers show a lack of respect for the Johansens?
    They ripped a photo of Lise and left.
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  • Why were the girls kept home from school after the visit by the German soldiers?
    The Johansens decided that Ellen would be safer if they left Copenhagen. They left to Uncle Henrik's house in Gillileje that morning.
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  • What made Annemarie realize that her father was speaking in code to her uncle? What was their conversation about?
    Mr. Johansen asked Uncle Henrik if the weather was good for fishing and that he would send a carton of cigarettes with his wife.
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  • Where did Mrs. Johansen, Annemarie, Kirsti, and Ellen travel? Why didn’t Mr. Johansen go with them?
    To Uncle Henrik's house. If the whole family left it would make the Nazi's suspicious. 
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  • What did Annemarie do with Ellen’s necklace? What does the Star of David imprinted on her hand symbolize?
    She rips if off Ellen's neck and grasps it her hands. The Star of David imprinted on Annemarie's hand symbolizes transformation.
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  • What gift does Peter give to Annemarrie? What does it symbolize?
    A seashell. It symbolizes the voyage she will have to take from a child-self to a more grown-up self.
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  • Why did the soldiers ask Mrs. Johansen if she was paying her brother a visit because of the New Year?
    To try and find out if they were Jewish.
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  • What does Ellen ask Annemarie once they are in Mrs. Johansen's childhood room after dinner?
    What Annemarie had done with the necklace.
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  • What does Annemarie want to find out about Lise?
    She wants to know how she died.
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  • How does Annemarie's and Ellen's relationship change as the novel progresses?
    Annemarie starts to take a more authoritative role and doesn't tell Ellen where her necklace is.
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  • What was Mrs. Johansen's childhood like?
    She had a very safe childhood in the farm house. She had a faithful dog that she used to roam the countryside with.
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  • How does Kristi display her innocence on the way to Uncle Henrik's?
    She sees a castle and says kings and queens must live in it.
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  • Why does Annemarie feel unstable at Uncle Henrik's?
    She doesn't understand her place in the world. Is she still a child or is she an adult now?
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  • Why does Uncle Henrik tell Mrs. Johansen that tomorrow will be a day for fishing?
    Tomorrow Ellen will be a good day to escape to Sweden.
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