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P5 Science Quiz

  •  English    26     Public
    P5 Science Quiz
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  • Explain about how does a goldfish breathe.
    It takes in oxygen that is dissolved in water through their gills.
  •  25
  • Which organs in our body are protected by the ribcage, hip bone, and skull?
    lungs, bladder, and brain
  •  15
  • What happens when the air we breathe enters part C?
    The oxygen from the air we breathe is exchanged with carbon dioxide.
  •  15
  • Part ______ has tiny hairs which filter the dust particles from the air we breathe in.
  •  10
  • What is gastritis? Tell the symptoms, causes, and how to avoid it.
    answer may vary
  •  25
  • A tendon connects bones to _____________________, while a ligament connect bones to _____________________.
    muscle, bones
  •  10
  • The small intestine produces _____________________ to break down food we ate in the process called digestion to produce _____________________.
    digestive juices, energy.
  •  15
  • One symptom of reflux disease is _____________________, the burning pain in our lower chest. It may be caused by _____________________.
    heartburn, spicy food/drink alcohol
  •  15
  • True or False. Air sac is the tiny bubble-like structure in our lungs where the air is filtered by tiny hairs. If false, revise the sentence!
    F. Air sac is the tiny bubble-like structure in our lungs where the gas exchange takes place.
  •  25
  • True or False. Nutrients are absorbed in the large intestine. If false, revise the sentence!
    F. (answer may vary)
  •  25