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Intensifying adjectives

  •  English    26     Public
    Intensifying adjectives
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  • Complete the sentence: Our stay was ____ relaxing in every way, and we felt ____ rejuvenated when we returned home.
    incredibly relaxing/ totally rejuvenated
  •  15
  • Is it correct? After the sales team had used the equipment for a year, it was very ruined.
    totally ruined
  •  10
  • Is it correct? I'm afraid I disagree with you quite about the hotel being comfortable.
    completely disagree
  •  20
  • Which option is NOT possible? He learned the skills incredibly/ highly/ extremely well.
  •  10
  • Which option is NOT possible? Black Hole Chateau is totally/ importantly/ completely cut off from the outside world.
  •  10
  • Which option is NOT possible? The entire hotel is fully/ totally/ very accessible for wheelchair users.
  •  10
  • What is the adverb? TEUIQ Now use it in a sentence!
    I am quite amazed by how simple this grammar is.
  •  15
  • Complete the dialogue: A: We had a scary taxi ride from the airport. B: Scary? It was _______ terrifying!
    absolutely, completely, utterly
  •  15
  • Is it correct? The bungalow we stayed in was very perfect.
    absolutely perfect
  •  10
  • Is it correct? We had so a good time in Bali.
    such a good time
  •  10