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Intensifying adjectives

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is it correct? We had so a good time in Bali.
such a good time
Is it correct? The bungalow we stayed in was very perfect.
absolutely perfect
Complete the dialogue: A: We had a scary taxi ride from the airport. B: Scary? It was _______ terrifying!
absolutely, completely, utterly
What is the adverb? TEUIQ Now use it in a sentence!
I am quite amazed by how simple this grammar is.
Which option is NOT possible? The entire hotel is fully/ totally/ very accessible for wheelchair users.
Which option is NOT possible? Black Hole Chateau is totally/ importantly/ completely cut off from the outside world.
Which option is NOT possible? He learned the skills incredibly/ highly/ extremely well.
Is it correct? I'm afraid I disagree with you quite about the hotel being comfortable.
completely disagree
Is it correct? After the sales team had used the equipment for a year, it was very ruined.
totally ruined
Complete the sentence: Our stay was ____ relaxing in every way, and we felt ____ rejuvenated when we returned home.
incredibly relaxing/ totally rejuvenated
.Put the sentence in the correct order: house/ the/ quite/ apart/ fell/ literally
The house quite literally fell apart.
Complete the sentence: A:It's a(n) ____long journey. We have to change planes three times, and it takes 40 hours. B: Really? I'm not _____interested in that kind of bargain. I'd rather pay more and fly direct!
incredibly/ extremely/ very/ ridiculously long really/ particularly interested
Is it correct? Being absolutely sociable makes her the perfect choice to work with customers.
quite/extremely/ very sociable
Choose the correct option: The tourist buses are always really/ completely crowded.
Choose the correct option: I agree highly/ entirely with Kevin.
Choose the correct option:The airline tickets must have been totally/ incredibly expensive.
Choose the correct option: Evan was absolutely/ extremely right to ask for a refund.
Is it correct? We were utterly late for the plane, so we missed it.
Complete the sentence: A: You have to be ____ lucky to get a cheap airline ticket these days. B: I know. They've ___ gone up in price, haven't they?
very really
Complete the sentence: The weather in Mexico was ____ hot, but we ____ roasted on the beach in the Egypt.
very/ completely
Is it correct? The temperature at the beach was extremely boiling.
Complete the sentence: The food on the tour was ____ delicious, but I think some people found it ____ spicy.
absolutely/ quite
Choose the correct option: I utterly/ really don't want to talk about the problems we had.
Complete the sentence: I wasn't ____ confident in our tour guide, because some of the historical information he gave us was ____incorrect.
particularly totally
Choose the correct option: The holiday was stressful, but the views from the hotel were quite/ very incredible!
Complete the sentence: We felt _____ exhausted after three days of walking around New York, and I felt ___ tired the following week at work.
totally, really