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    Countries in Asia with VN translation
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  • What country is it?
    It's Oman! - /oʊˈmɑn/ - Oman
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  • What country is it?
    It's Pakistan! - /ˈpækɪˌstæn/ - Pakistan
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  • What country is it?
    It's Palestine! - /ˈpækɪˌstæn/ - Palestine
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  • What country is it?
    It's the Philippines! - /ˈfɪləˌpinz/ - Philippines
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  • What country is it?
    It's Qatar - /ˌkʌˈtɑr/ - Qatar
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  • What country is it?
    It's Saudi Arabia! - /ˈsɔdi/ /əˈreɪbiə/ - Ả Rập Xê Út
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  • What country is it?
    It's Singapore! - /ˈsɪŋəˌpɔr/ - Singapore
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  • What country is it?
    It's South Korea! - /saʊθ/ /kɔˈriə/ - Hàn Quốc
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  • What country is it?
    It's Sri Lanka! - /ʃri/ /ˈlæŋkə/ - Sri Lanka
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  • What country is it?
    It's Syria! - /ˈsɪriə/ - Syria
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  • What country is it?
    It's Taiwan! - /ˈtaɪˈwɑn/ - Đài Loan
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  • What country is it?
    It's Tajikistan! - /ˌtɑˈʤikɪˌstæn/ - Tajikistan
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  • What country is it?
    It's Thailand! - /ˈtaɪˌlænd/ - Thái Lan
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  • What country is it?
    It's East Timor! - /ist/ /tiˈmɔr/ - Đông Timor
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  • What country is it?
    It's Turkey! - /ˈtɜrki/ - Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ
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  • What country is it?
    It's Turkmenistan! - /ˌtɜrkˈmɛnɪˌstæn/ - Turkmenistan
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