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Context Clues

  •  English    24     Public
    context clues from The Legend of Mor'Du
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  • The prince COMMANDED a powerful army but the battle remained a bitter stalemate. What is a ANTONYM for COMMANDED: directed, unbroken, abandoned?
  •  20
  • The witch could see the WOUNDED soul behind his bluster. What is a SYNONYM for WOUNDED: hurt, only, tie?
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  • The witch could see the WOUNDED soul behind his bluster. What is a ANTONYM for WOUNDED: hurt, victory, healed?
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  • With the armies of the brothers FRACTURED, the kingdoms collapsed into darkness. What is a SYNONYM for FRACTURED: destiny, broken, announced?
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  • With the armies of the brothers FRACTURED, the kingdoms collapsed into darkness. What is a ANTONYM for FRACTURED: mended, broken, regretful?
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  • With the armies of the brothers fractured, the kingdoms COLLAPSED into darkness. What is a SYNONYM for COLLAPSED: fell apart, reborn, grow?
    fell apart
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  • With the armies of the brothers fractured, the kingdoms COLLAPSED into darkness. What is a ANTONYM for COLLAPSED: deny, strengthened, fell apart?
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  • What is a SYNONYM and what is an ANTONYM?
    SYNONYM - same & ANTONYM - opposite
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