Game Preview

Asking for help

  •  English    35     Public
    How to ask for help in the community
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You are going to the restroom. You see two doors that lead to two different rooms without any pictures of a male or female. What can you ask to help you out?
    Which one is the male restroom and which one is the female restroom?
  •  15
  • You are trying to get tickets to a movie at the ticket booth. You see that the time you wanted is sold out. What can you ask the ticket manager to help you out?
    Are there later times for the movies? If so, what times are available?
  •  15
  • You are at a department store. You are trying to buy a shirt for yourself but when you check the shelves, there aren't any for you size. What can you ask a sales associate to help you out?
    Are there any _-sized shirts available in the back/storage?
  •  15