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Asking for help

  •  English    35     Public
    How to ask for help in the community
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You are in the car with your family and the music is too loud. What can you ask them to help you out?
    May you please turn the music down?
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  • You are at a Mexican restaurant however you do not speak Spanish and cannot read what is on the menu. However your friend who is there with you can. What can you ask them to help you out?
    May you translate the menu for me/read it in English for me?
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  • You are scared of dogs and your friend wants to bring one over when they come to visit your house. What can you ask them to help you out?
    Can you please not bring the dog over?
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  • You are at the bakery and are looking for a specific cake to give to your brother on his birthday. What can you ask the baker to help you out?
    Do you have a _ cake?
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  • You want to use the restroom but you are in the car traveling on the road. However at the next stop, you see that there is a restaurant (restaurants have restrooms) ahead. What can you ask to help you out?
    May we stop by the restaurant?
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  • Your friend has a very aggressive dog that barks at you whenever you come over. You are scared that the dog might eventually bite you. What can you ask to help you out?
    Can you keep your dog away from me when I visit/at a different part of the house?
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  • You want a specific flavor of ice cream. Your mom does not know what flavor you want is going to order you the wrong flavor. What can you ask to help you out?
    May you order me _ ice cream/_ flavor of ice cream instead?
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  • You are at Starbucks. The cashier seems new and might have misheard your order. What can you ask to help you out?
    May you please repeat my order?
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  • You are too tired to go to the movies. Your brother however insist on wanting to go. What can you ask to help you out?
    Can you go without me to the movies/can we go another time?
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  • You want to learn how to do karate but your mom does not know how to. What can you ask to help you out?
    May you take me to karate classes?
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  • Your friend is driving you home and is taking the freeway but you know that the freeway is traffic or congested during this time. What can you ask to help you out?
    May you take the side streets instead since it is traffic?
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  • You left your wallet at home. You are at the store with your brother and want to buy candy but cannot since you don't have money. Your brother however does. What can you ask to help you out?
    May you buy the candy and I can pay you back once we get home?
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  • Your are at a department store. You are trying to get a gift for your mother. What can you ask the sales associate to help you out?
    What is the best gift to get for women/mothers?
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  • You are at home. You are hungry and it is dinner time. What can you ask to help you out?
    When are we going to eat for dinner?
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  • You are at the park. You are not sure if dogs are allowed in the park. What can you ask to help you out?
    Are dogs allowed in the park?
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  • You lost your watch. You know it was in the living room but your mom cleaned up the room so now everything is different from when you last saw it. What can you ask to help you out?
    Mom, did you see my watch and if so, where did you put it?
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