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The birth of the modern world

  •  English    43     Public
    LEVEL 2º ESO
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  • It was started in Switzerland by John Calvin. It spread to France (Huguenots) and England (Puritans). In Scotland, John Knox founded the Presbyterian Church.
    Calvinist church
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  • It began in England when the Pope would not allow King Henry VIII to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.
    Anglican church
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  • Its ideas are based on predestination. Only a few people were predestined for salvation and the rest were condemned.
    Calvinist church
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  • In 1534, Henry VIII declared the Act of Supremacy, in which England was separated from Rome, and in doing so appointed himself supreme head of the Church of England.
    Anglican church
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  • the reform process carried out by the Catholic Church to stop the spread of Protestantism.
    The Counter-Reformation
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  • Why was created the Council of Trent (1545-1563)?
    It was created to correct the errors of the Church and establish the rites and dogmas required of Catholics
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  • When was the Roman Inquisition created?
    In 1542.
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  • What was the Inquisition?
    An ecclesiastical court.
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  • Why was the Inquisition created?
    To ensure that Protestantism did not spread to Catholic countries.
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  • What was the name of the public trial to which those suspected of heresy were subjected?
    An auto-da-fé.
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  • What was the name of the list of books banned by the Catholic Church?
    The Index Librorum Prohibitorum.
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