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  •  English    18     Public
    Practice advocating for yourself.
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  • You want to take your test in a quiet environment away from your peers to help you concentrate (1. State problem, 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem on your own, 3. State what you need that person to do)
    1. It is difficult for me to take tests in noisy places. 2. I have tried using headphones to block out noise 3. Could I please take my test in a quiet place?
  •  15
  • You did not understand what the teacher said and need to ask for clarification (1. State problem, 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem on your own, 3. State what you need that person to do)
    1. It is hard for me to understand the teacher 2. I have asked my peers 3. Could you please explain that again?
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  • You got a bad grade on an exam and want to re-take the test to improve your grade. (1. State problem, 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem on your own, 3. State what you need that person to do)
    1. I got a bad grade 2. I studied more 3. Could I please re-take the exam to get a better grade?
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  • You need help with a problem on a worksheet that you do not understand. (1. State problem, 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem on your own, 3. State what you need that person to do)
    1. I don't understand this problem 2. I reviewed my notes 3. Could you please help me with problem #15?
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  • You would like to have additional time to turn in an assignment, because the project has a lot of writing and writing is hard for you (1.State problem 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem 3. State what you need the person to do)
    1. I need more time 2. I tried to use my free periods to work on it 3. Could I please have extra time for this assignment because writing is hard for me
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  • You would like to schedule a time to meet with your teacher to discuss an assignment you are struggling with (1. State problem 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem on your own 3. State what you need the person to do)
    1. I am struggling with an assignment 2. I tried it on my own 3. Do you have any time to meet after school so I can get help on the assignment?
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  • You are being trained at your job and the trainer is speaking too quickly. (1. State problem 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem on your own 3. State what you need the person to do)
    1. I can't understand because he's talking too fast. 2. I tried listening 3. Could you please repeat that/talk slower?
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  • There is a timed written test during the job interview. You don't do well under pressure and need more time to finish. (1. State problem 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem on your own 3. State what you need the person to do)
    1. I need more time to finish 2. I tried my best to finish in the time I was given 3. Could I please have some extra time to finish this part of the interview?
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  • Some tasks at your job need to be done at specific times. You struggle to remember what to do at what time. You need a detailed schedule for when to complete each task.
    1. I can't remember what to do at what time 2. I have tried to remember by writing it on my own 3. Could you please give me a schedule for each task?
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  • You are in charge of socking the shelves at work, but you forget where things go sometimes. (1. State problem 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem on your own 3. State what you need the person to do)
    1. I forget where things go 2. I have practiced remembering the places of things 3. Could I please have a map of the store?
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  • You don't feel like you've had enough training on the new computer system at work. You want additional training. (1. State problem 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem on your own 3. State what you need the person to do)
    1. I don't have enough training 2. I have tried to learn it on my own 3. Could I please have more training on the new computer system so I can know it better?
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  • You need to start picking up your little sister after school. You need to change your work hours to come a little earlier and leave work earlier. (1. State problem 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem 3. State what you need to do
    1. I need to pick my sister up but I'm working 2. I have asked my mom if there's another way to get my sister 3. Could I please come to work a little earlier?
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  • You don't know how to react when a customer is upset. You would like training on how to best respond to an upset customer. (1. State problem 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem on your own 3. State what you need the person to do)
    1. I don't know how to react to an upset customer 2. I have tried looking it up 3. Could I please have training on how to respond to an upset customer?
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  • At staff meetings your boss only gives the information verbally, but you struggle to write down all the words. You want a copy of important information. (1. State problem 2. Explain how you tried to solve the problem 3. State what you need)
    1. I can't write down all the words and want a copy 2. I have tried to write it all down 3. Could I please get a copy of the important information?
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  • What should you do if you come to class and realize that you did not do last nights homework?
    Tell the teacher that you forgot and see if you can turn it in tomorrow.
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  • What should you do if your teacher gives directions and you don't understand?
    Raise your hand and ask the teacher to clarify
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