Game Preview

Pragmatic Language/Social Skills

  •  English    36     Public
    Let's review what we have worked on so far this year!
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  • What are question words/phrases that we can use to start off our questions?
  •  15
  • Why are you in speech/language therapy?
    Interesting! If speech was a video game and there was 100 levels...what level do you think you are on?
  •  15
  • What's the difference between thoughts and feelings?
    Feelings are emotions that can be summed up into a couple words. Thoughts are the dialogue or monologues going on in our heads.
  •  10
  • Give an example of appropriate vs. inappropriate topics to discuss with a stranger?
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  • What are three questions you can ask a person to get to know them?
    Nice!! Ask one person in this group a question to get to know them!
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  • What is a "balanced conversation"?
    A conversation where both people talk equally by asking questions and commenting!
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  • Role play!!! Choose a partner and a topic. One person needs to only answer with off topic comments!
    Great! What was the perspective of each person in the conversation?
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  • What is sarcasm?
    Saying the opposite of what you mean.
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  • Who is it okay to be sarcastic with?
    Someone you know well who understands your humor.
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  • What is a social fake or white lie?
    A harmless or helpful lie.
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  • What does "think it" vs. "say it" refer to?
    Think it: A thought that is not helpful and you should keep to yourself. Say it: A thought that is helpful and kind and is okay to say to someone.
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  • What are the 7 small talk conversation topics that can lead to awesome conversations?
    1. How they met. 2. Travel 3. Food. 4. Hobbies, 5. Upcoming plans, 6.Music. 7. Asking "why"
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  • Why is it important to ask open ended questions vs. close ended questions?
    Open ended questions keep the conversation going.
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  • Why is small talk important?
    It is something we have to do all the time and when you are good at it, it will be easier to build relationships and leave lasting impressions.
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  • Why is being "RELATABLE" important when having conversations?
    People have more meaningful conversations when they feel they relate to others and that can build into friendships or relationships.
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  • Why is having things in common with your friends important?
    The more things you have in common, the more you can talk about and do similar things together!
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