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Grammar Revision#1

  •  English    24     Public
    Tenses, SVA & Functions
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 1. Check the subject verb agreement in the sentence. (Squirrels and skunks lives in vast forests.)
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  • 2. Change all the verbs into the past tense. (They catch two rabbits and eat them for lunch.)
    caught - ate
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  • 3. Put a correct punctuation mark at the end of the following sentence. {Wash your hands}
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  • 4. Decide if the following sentence is an exclamation, a command, a question or a statement. {How weird!}
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  • 5. Rewrite the following verbs in the past tense. {I fall off the swings and feel so sad that I break my leg.}
    fell, felt, broke
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  • 6. How would you punctuate the following sentence? {When did you leave the meeting}
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  • 7. Complete the following table with irregular verbs of the past tense.
    forgot, got, gave, hid
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  • 8. Change the following verbs into the past tense.
    taught, thought, became, came
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  • 9. Complete the following table with irregular verbs of the past tense.
    went, ran, shook
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  • 10. Read the following sentence. Make sure the subject and the verb agree. {She wash her hands every two minutes.}
    She washes her hands every two minutes.
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  • 11. Check the subject verb agreement. {Side talks rattles my teacher's cage.}
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  • 12. Which time expressions do we use with the past simple tense?
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  • 13. What punctuation mark is missing here? {Do your homework}
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  • 14. Change these verbs into the past tense.
    brought, bought, caught
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  • 15. How would you change these verbs into the past tense?
    cut, hit, hurt
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  • 16. Change the following verbs into the past tense.
    put, set, shut
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