It's fluffy and cute. And hops pretty high. It's sweet like a fruit. But it can't fly.
Easter Bunny
All the children go outside, even when it's cold. And they look in and out, and under. Everyone young and old. Looks around and wonders. At Easter time- it's a big attraction. What do you call this strange action?
Easter Egg Hunt
It grows in the garden, with green leaves and a stalk. It has many different colours but it can't walk. You can smell them and see many of them every spring. It's also a present your loved one may bring.
You put things inside it. And carry it in your hand. It's made of wicker or plastic. It's my dear Easter friend.
Easter Basket
It has a shape that is oval. And a yolk, white and shell. You dye it at Easter. Mine once broke when on the floor it fell.