Game Preview


  •  English    51     Public
    Grammar + vocab
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  • The mechanic said they __________________ (test) the car to find out what the problem was. He told Dylan to come back in an hour.
    would test
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  • "Let me think about it. I __________________ (GIVE) you a call when I decide what to do." But Dylan had already decided what to do.
    will give
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  • For the__________________ (one) time Jenny had a cast on her arm, from her fingers down to her elbow.
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  • For several weeks, Jenny had to have the cast on. It was a huge relief to get it off, finally. At last she could get back to her favourite __________________ (activity) which were running, swimming, and climbing.
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  • But now climbing was out – Jenny was determined to stick to her promise. “If I break my promise, mum __________________ (be) upset. And I don’t want her to feel like this.”
    will be
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  • Jenny loved climbing. It was a strange hobby for a girl and her family wanted her to stop it, but Jenny __________________ (not listen) to anybody.
    didn't listen
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  • "There are still several trees in the garden I haven’t climbed yet," Jenny said. One day, she__________________ (climb) the apple tree in the yard, when she suddenly slipped and fell down.
    was climbing
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  • Jenny __________________ (feel) a terrible pain and started to cry. Her mum came outside and saw that her hand was swollen and looked dark
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  • "I wish you __________________ (have) some other hobby!" she said.
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  • "Jenny, please, promise __________________ (I) that you'll never do this silly climbing again!" Jenny nodded.
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  • Her mother took Jenny to the doctor. It turned out that two of the bones __________________ (break).
    were broken
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  • Kurzweil thinks that by 2030, computers will do more __________________(impress) tasks. They will be able to understand ordinary spoken language and show emotions.
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  • Kurzweil disagrees with them and says that we are already a human-machine civilization. We already use high level technology to diagnose diseases, provide __________________(educate), and develop new technologies.
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  • However, lots of experts don’t believe it and say that it is absolutely __________________(possible).
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  • Ray strongly believes that soon computer intelligence will be a billion times more __________________ (power) than the human brain.
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  • So far he has written six books about artificial intelligence, and four of them have become __________________(nation) best sellers in the USA.
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