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Making Appropriate Comments

  •  English    29     Featured
    Identifying what would be a good response to various hypothetical social scenarios.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is a supportive thing to say to someone who is nervous about a test?
    You're not smart enough for this test
    You're definitely going to fail
    I hope you do badly
    You'll do great just do your best
  •  15
  • If a classmate gets an answer wrong what should you say?
    That was an easy question
    It's okay we all make mistakes
    You're so dumb
    I can't believe you didn't know that
  •  15
  • How do you compliment someone's singing?
    You're a terrible singer
    You have a beautiful voice
    Stop singing
    I don't like your voice
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  • What should you say if someone has a different religion or belief?
    Your beliefs are wrong
    My beliefs are better
    That's interesting can you tell me more about it?
    I don't like people with different beliefs
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  • If a friend shares their favorite book what is a nice thing to say?
    Your taste in books is bad
    That sounds like an interesting book
    That book sounds boring
    I hate that book
  •  15
  • How should you react if someone is better at a video game?
    Stop playing you're too good
    You must have no life
    I hate playing against you
    You're really good at this game!
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  • What is a kind thing to say if someone shares their artwork?
    You have no talent
    Your art is ugly
    I can do better
    Your artwork is amazing
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  • If a classmate has a different hobby what should you say?
    My hobbies are better
    That hobby is weird
    I don't like your hobby
    That's a cool hobby how did you get into it?
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  • How should you respond if someone is scared of something?
    Don't be a baby
    Stop being scared
    You're such a coward
    It's okay everyone is scared of something
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  • What do you say to someone who is trying a new sport?
    Good luck I hope you enjoy it
    You're going to fail
    You'll be bad at it
    That sport is not for you
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  • If a friend is telling a story what is a polite thing to do?
    Interrupt with your own story
    Say their story is boring
    Tell them you're not interested
    Listen and ask questions if you're interested
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  • How should you compliment someone's dance moves?
    My dancing is better
    You can't dance
    You're a great dancer
    You look funny when you dance
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  • What is a respectful way to ask about someone's culture?
    Your culture is strange
    I don't like your culture
    My culture is better than yours
    Can you tell me more about your culture?
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