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Making Appropriate Comments

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a respectful way to ask about someone's culture?
Can you tell me more about your culture?
Your culture is strange
I don't like your culture
My culture is better than yours
How should you compliment someone's dance moves?
You're a great dancer
You look funny when you dance
You can't dance
My dancing is better
If a friend is telling a story what is a polite thing to do?
Listen and ask questions if you're interested
Interrupt with your own story
Tell them you're not interested
Say their story is boring
What do you say to someone who is trying a new sport?
Good luck I hope you enjoy it
You'll be bad at it
That sport is not for you
You're going to fail
How should you respond if someone is scared of something?
It's okay everyone is scared of something
Don't be a baby
You're such a coward
Stop being scared
If a classmate has a different hobby what should you say?
That's a cool hobby how did you get into it?
That hobby is weird
I don't like your hobby
My hobbies are better
What is a kind thing to say if someone shares their artwork?
Your artwork is amazing
Your art is ugly
I can do better
You have no talent
How should you react if someone is better at a video game?
You're really good at this game!
You must have no life
Stop playing you're too good
I hate playing against you
If a friend shares their favorite book what is a nice thing to say?
That sounds like an interesting book
That book sounds boring
I hate that book
Your taste in books is bad
What should you say if someone has a different religion or belief?
That's interesting can you tell me more about it?
Your beliefs are wrong
My beliefs are better
I don't like people with different beliefs
How do you compliment someone's singing?
You have a beautiful voice
You're a terrible singer
I don't like your voice
Stop singing
If a classmate gets an answer wrong what should you say?
It's okay we all make mistakes
That was an easy question
You're so dumb
I can't believe you didn't know that
What is a supportive thing to say to someone who is nervous about a test?
You'll do great just do your best
You're definitely going to fail
I hope you do badly
You're not smart enough for this test
If someone is learning a new language what should you say?
That's cool how is it going?
You're not good at it
Why would you want to learn that?
You'll never be fluent
What is a polite way to respond if you don't understand someone's joke?
Can you explain the joke?
That's not funny
You're bad at telling jokes
Don't tell jokes anymore
How should you react to someone who is better at sports?
Wow you're really good at this!
You're just showing off
I hate playing with you
You're not that good
If a friend is excited about their birthday what is a nice thing to say?
Happy Birthday I hope you have a great day
Birthdays are not important
I don't care about your birthday
My birthday is better than yours
What is a respectful way to disagree?
I see your point but I think differently
You're stupid
My opinion is the only right one
You don't know anything
How should you respond if someone has a different opinion?
That's interesting why do you think that?
Your opinion is wrong
I don't like people like you
You should change your mind
If someone is struggling with a task what should you do?
Offer to help if you can
Laugh at them
Tell them they're useless
Ignore them
What is a kind thing to say about someone's project?
Great job on your project
Your project is the worst
I can't believe you made that
You're not good at this
If a classmate is sad because they lost a game what should you say?
It's okay you'll do better next time
You're a loser
That's what you get for being bad
I'm glad you lost
What do you say if someone's drawing is different from yours?
That's a creative drawing!
Your drawing is wrong
Mine is better than yours
You don't know how to draw
If someone is better than you at a subject what is a good thing to say?
You're really good at this can you give me some tips?
I'm better than you at other things
You're just a nerd
Nobody likes a know-it-all
When a classmate is speaking during show and tell what should you do?
Listen and wait for your turn
Tell them they're boring
Interrupt and talk about yourself
Laugh at them
If a friend makes a mistake in a game what should you say?
It's okay everyone makes mistakes
You're so bad at this game
I don't want to play with you
You always ruin the game
What is an appropriate comment about someone's clothes?
Your outfit looks nice
Your clothes are ugly
Those clothes make you look weird
Nobody likes your style
If someone has a different hairstyle what is a nice thing to say?
I like your hairstyle
Your hair looks weird
That hairstyle is ugly
Nobody likes your hair
What should you say if a new student says they're from a different country?
That's interesting! Where are you from?
Why did you come here?
Your country is not as good as ours
I don't like people from other countries