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Animal Riddles

  •  English    12     Public
    Guess the animals based on the descriptions
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  • This animal lives in Australia and is a master of boxing. 
    a kangaroo
  •  15
  • It's an insect that can fly and is very hard-working when they will die after stinging. 
    a bee
  •  15
  • This animal which lives in the ocean was known as mammals as well as fish. 
    a whale 
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  • This animal can live in hot weather, especially desert. and survive upto 2 weeks without water.
    a camel
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  • They're sea animals and swim slowly. If one touches you, it really hurts your skin. 
    a jellyfish
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  • This animal has a very long neck and use it to fight with other enemies. 
    a giraffe
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  • It's a very small insect that bites people and makes annoying noises.
    a mosquito
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  • It's a very big, gray animal from Africa or India. Many hunters try kill them because of their valuable horns. 
    a rhinoceros
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  • People say this animal will attack you if you're wearing something red.
    a bull
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  • This animal doesn't come out during the day. It can fly, but it can't see.
    a bat
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  • People sometimes say this is the puppy of the sea. It doesn't have legs , it has fins and flippers. It lives on land though. 
    a seal
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  • This animal is minister of diplomacy. 
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