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Diary of Anne Frank, Act 1 Scenes 1-5Share4.2 (8 ...

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  • How does Mr. Dussel think he gets along with children?
    He is used to children because his patients always brought their children to see him.
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  • What does Mr. Dussel think of Anne?
    He thinks she is annoying.
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  • How does Mr. Dussel really get along with children, Anne in particular
    He doesn't get along with them at all, not even with Anne.
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  • How does Mrs. Van Daan behave toward Mr. Frank?
    She keeps on flirting at him with no success
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  • How does Anne react when her mother tries to comfort her?
    She feels a little better afterwards, but started blubbering on about her nightmare.
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  • What does Anne have a nightmare about?
    She has a nightmare about her and her family being caught by the Green Police.
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  • What does Anne say about her own behavior?
    She thinks she is a terrible coward and cruel towards people, especially her mother.
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  • What are the Franks and the Van Daans celebrating?
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  • What does Anne give Margot?
    lamp shade
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  • What does Anne give Mrs. Van Daan?
    a bottle of hair shampoo
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  • What does Anne give Mr. Van Daan?
    Two Cigarettes
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  • What does Anne give Mrs. Frank?
    an I.O.U that promises 10 hours of doing whatever her mother tells her to do.
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  • What does Anne give Peter?
    A safety razor. Peter is starting to grow facial hair.
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  • What does Anne give Mr. Dussell?
    Ear Plugs
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  • What does Anne give Mr. Frank?
    A muffler, similar to a scarf to put around his neck to keep it warm
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  • What does Anne give Mouschi?
    A ball of paper with a string attached to it
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