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Diary of Anne Frank, Act 1 Scenes 1-5Share4.2 (8 ...

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  • What two things does Mr. Frank bring for Anne?
    Some photographs and a diary
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  • What do these gifts tell you about Mr. Frank's relationship with Anne?
    Because the gifts are very personal, it shows that he has a very close relationship with his daughter.
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  • What does Anne find out when she says she's going downstairs for a pencil?
    That she can never leave the annex because it is dangerous
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  • What present does Anne get for her birthday?
    A diary
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  • Explain Mr. Frank's quote to Anne on pg. 459 "There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locksthat anyone can put on your mind."
    Mr Frank is trying to let Anne know that even though they are being held captive, she is always free to imagine and think as she chooses
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  • How does Anne feel about being in hiding?
    She doesn't like it. They can never go outside and always have to be careful. It's very tense.
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  • How does Anne feel that her mother treats her?
    She resents that her mother constantly criticizes her.
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  • What was Anne's nickname at school?
    Mrs. Quack Quack because she talks too much
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  • Describe Mrs. Van Daan
    She lacks humility possibly because her father always bought the best that money could buy and spoiled her. Anne finds Mrs. Van Daan to be annoying be...
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  • How do the Van Daans react to Anne?
    They are annoyed with her. She talks too much.
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  • What does Mrs. Van Daan say will happen if the war lasts much longer?
    That they will be related because Anne keeps flirting with Peter
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  • What happens to Mrs. Van Daan's coat?
    Anne spills milk on it while dancing around
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  • What did Anne think about the Van Daan's quarrel?
    She thought they were acting like children. She liked stirring up trouble.
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  • What does Mr. Kraler ask them to do?
    Mr. Kraler asks them to take in Jan Dussel, a Jewish Dentist so that he can hide with them.
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  • How does Mr. Van Daan feel about Mr. Kraler's request?
    He is concerned about food. They already have very little and having another mouth to feed with make it harder to share the food.
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  • What does Mr. Dussel say is happening outside?
    That the Jews are disappearing. They are being deported or gathered up and sent off to "death camps"
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