Game Preview

IE 10A - Summer 2020 - EfeX

  •  English    36     Public
    Comprehension questions: The Most Dangerous Game - Connell Harrison Bergeron - Vonnegut The Giver (2014 movie) The Lottery - Jackson Literary devices: irony, conflict, etc.
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  • Name one thing The Lottery and Bergeron have in common.
    Ex: If a rule is broken, society will collapse / Protagonist dies / Conflict is vs. society / Conflict is external (handicaps, stones)
  •  20
  • Name one thing The Giver and MDG have in common.
    Ex: Hunter vs hunted (someone is in a position of power), main character struggles for survival, external conflict, morality/internal conflict re: killing
  •  15
  • What is the ending of a story called? (Plot device term. HINT: not "ending.")
    Resolution or denouement
  •  10
  • Name all the protagonists from each story: MDG, Bergeron, Giver, Lottery.
    Sanger Rainsford, Harrison Bergeron, Jonas, Tessie Hutchinson.
  •  10