Game Preview

IE 10A - Summer 2020 - EfeX

  •  English    36     Public
    Comprehension questions: The Most Dangerous Game - Connell Harrison Bergeron - Vonnegut The Giver (2014 movie) The Lottery - Jackson Literary devices: irony, conflict, etc.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What pursuit did Zaroff and Rainsford have in common?
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  • What pursuit did Zaroff and Rainsford have in common?
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  • Name of the Handicapper General?
    Diana Moon Glampers
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  • Where did the elderly go after the Release? What did this mean?
    They went Elsewhere aka they were euthanized.
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  • Were men and women viewed as equal? What were their roles in this society?
    No, only the man of the household could draw the lottery. The society was patriarchical.
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  • What was the name of the Captain whose crew was jittery around the island? in MDG
    Captain Nielsen
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  • Why was this line on the last page significant? Hazel: "I could tell that one was a doozy."
    Hazel was so intellectually dull that she didn't realize George's question was rhetorical. She also didn't handicaps, so had no idea what it was like.
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  • What was Jonas' mother's name?
    No name (unspecified)
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  • Which of the following is the theme of The Lottery? a) the dangers of conformity b) blindly following tradition c) violence and revenge d) A & B e) A & C
    D. The dangers of conformity (mob mentality) and blindly following tradition.
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  • What type of QAR question is this? (3 Little Pigs) “Do you think it is okay for the first two pigs to move in with the third pig after their houses were blown down by the wolf? Why or why not?”
    Author and Me - more than one right answer possible - connection between my own idea AND text (clues from story and own exp)
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  • Which of the following is the theme in MDG? a) competition b) cruelty and violence c) perseverance d) all of the above
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  • Which of the following is the theme for Bergeron? a) equality b) individual exceptionalsm c) freedom d) all of the above
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  • Which of the following is the theme for The Giver? a) the importance of memory b) generosity and giving c) colorblindness and society d) all of the above
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  • What is the difference between MOOD and TONE?
    MOOD - the feeling felt by reader, the atmosphere. set via setting, imagery, words. TONE - what the author wrote, set via details and words.
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  • Which color was Jonas able to see first?
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  • Name one symbol and symbolism from The Lottery.
    Lottery: ancient, unquestioned tradition Box: attachment and loyalty to tradition Tessie: scapegoat, sacrifice Black: darkness, ignorance, evil death
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