Game Preview

1: PET Student Book- Unit 1 Homes

  •  English    118     Public
    PET Lessons
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  • 2. What kind of text (e.g. story, article) is it?
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  • 2. What is the text about?
    A windmill built to be a home
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  • 2. Which of the pictures shows this building?
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  • 2. Which parts of it are the sails and the balcony?
    On one side near the top of the windmiss is the sails and around the lower part of the windmill is the balcony
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  • 2. Which "five" of the points above are in the text?
    1, 3, 4, 6, 7
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  • 3. Now read the text more carefully and fill in the gaps with these words. (as  / corners / electricity / few / ground / job / like / in / third )  on is already given
    2.  ground  3. third  4 like  5. few  6. corners  7. as  8. in  9.  job  10. electricity
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  • 4. Read the text, don't pay attention to the gaps. Decide what kind of text it is, what it is about, and it's three main points.
    News report, modern cave homes and as climate becomes hotter cave homes are becoming more popular. its never hot or cold in caves
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  • 5. Read the text again and say the correct word for each space. First example given to you.
    A. anything
    B. everything
    C. something
    D. Nothing
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  • 5. Read the text again and say the correct word for each space. Which word goes before "of" and a noun?
    A. little
    C. few
    B. many
    D. lot
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  • 5. Read the text again and say the correct word for each space. Which verb does not need an object?
    B. lifting
    C. adding
    D. raising
    A. rising
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  • 5. Read the text again and say the correct word for each space. Which preposition goes with the seasons?
    D. round
    C. on
    B. in
    A. about
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  • 5. Read the text again and say the correct word for each space. Which preposition usually goes with the exact time?
    A. at
    B. during
    D. by
    C. for
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  • 5. Read the text again and say the correct word for each space. Which word completes the frequency expression?
    C. every
    A. some
    B. both
    D. another
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  • 5. Read the text again and say the correct word for each space.  Which work usually goes with internet?
    C. relation
    B. connection
    D. tie
    A. bridge
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  • 5. Read the text again and say the correct word for each space. Which linking word means "because" at the beginning of a sentence?
    D. Even
    A. So
    C. Until
    B. Since
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  • 5. Read the text again and say the correct word for each space. Which word means "empty," on and above the ground?
    C. land
    A. area
    B. floor
    D. space
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