Game Preview

"One flew over the cuckoo's nest" movie

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  • At first, why do none of the patients vote to watch the World Series?
    They are afraid of the repercussions from Ratched.
  •  15
  • Is R.P. McMurphy crazy?
  •  15
  • Is Chief mentally ill?
  •  15
  • Nurse Ratched opposes the patients' request to watch TV because
    this would upset the schedule
  •  15
  • The character that stutters when he talks is
    Billy Bibbit
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  • Who decides ultimately when the patients can leave?
    Nurse Ratched
  •  15
  • Why does the chief kill McMurphy at the end of the film?
    Because McMurhy is not sane anymore and the Chief doesn't want him to suffer.
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  • What is the real message of the film?
    The triumph of the human spirit
  •  15
  • Why is the Chief's speech about his father important?
    Because it warns McMurphy about what society can do to man
  •  15