Game Preview

The BFG - Part 1

  •  English    40     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Sophie and the BFG heard a tremendous thumping noise from outside. Who was it?
    Bloodbottler (p. 55)
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  • TRUE or FALSE: The Bloodbottler likes the taste of snozzcumbers.
    FALSE: He roared, "Eeeeewtch! Ughbwelch! Ieeech!" and spat it out. He hated it! (p. 60)
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  • Where was Sophie hiding from the Bloodbottler?
    Inside the snozzcumber (p. 62)
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  • What do giants drink?
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  • Why does Sophie say, "It's fizzing the wrong way"?
    It fizzes downwards. (p. 65)
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  • What do the giants call farts?
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  • What did the frobscottle taste like?
    Vanilla and cream witha hint of raspberries (p. 68)
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  • What did the giants do with the BFG?
    They played ball, and dumped him on the ground when they got bored in the end. (p.79)
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