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English Challenge

  •  English    26     Public
    Let's test your English skills! Compete for a prize.
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  • Riddle. "What has to be broken before you can use it?"
    AN EGG
  •  15
  • Riddle. "What word is pronounced the same if you take away four of its five letters?"
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  • Riddle. "My first two letters signify a male. My first three letters signify a female. My first four letters signify a great man, and my entire meaning signifies a great woman. What am I?
  •  15
  • Fill in the blank with the correct article. "She was wearing __ ugly dress when she met him."
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  • Fill in the blank with the correct article. "When he began his new job, he was given __ uniform."
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  • Fill in the blank with the correct article. "It was been __ honor to meet you!"
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  • What does the idiom "beat around the bush" mean?
    Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable.
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  • Fix the sentence. "My best friend and me swum on the pool yesterday."
    My best friend and I swam in the pool yesterday.
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  • Fix the sentence. "Although I admit that junk food is bad for our health, but I don’t think that it should be banned."
    The conjunctions although and but mean the same. Use only one of them in a clause.
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  • What is the difference in meaning of the homophones "pale" and "pail"?
    Pail: bucket / Pale: light in color or shade; containing little color or pigment.
  •  15