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English Challenge

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the difference in meaning of the homophones "pale" and "pail"?
Pail: bucket / Pale: light in color or shade; containing little color or pigment.
Fix the sentence. "Although I admit that junk food is bad for our health, but I don’t think that it should be banned."
The conjunctions although and but mean the same. Use only one of them in a clause.
Fix the sentence. "My best friend and me swum on the pool yesterday."
My best friend and I swam in the pool yesterday.
What does the idiom "beat around the bush" mean?
Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable.
Fill in the blank with the correct article. "It was been __ honor to meet you!"
Fill in the blank with the correct article. "When he began his new job, he was given __ uniform."
Fill in the blank with the correct article. "She was wearing __ ugly dress when she met him."
Riddle. "My first two letters signify a male. My first three letters signify a female. My first four letters signify a great man, and my entire meaning signifies a great woman. What am I?
Riddle. "What word is pronounced the same if you take away four of its five letters?"
Riddle. "What has to be broken before you can use it?"
True or false. There are more English native speakers than Spanish native speakers.
True or false. There are more people who have learned English as a second language than there are native speakers.
Decipher the anagram "listen."
How do you spell the word...
How do you spell the word ...
How do you pronounce the word "rural"?
rur · uhl
How do you pronounce the word "anemone"?
uh · neh · muh · nee
How do you pronounce the word "choir"?
kwai · ur
"Trypophobia" is the extreme fear of what?
Extreme or irrational aversion to or fear of clusters of small holes or bumps.
What does the adjective "exhilarating" mean?
Causing strong feelings of happy excitement and elation (synonym: thrilling.)
Which one of these is NOT a subordinating conjunction? OR /AS SOON AS / IF / BECAUSE
Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction. "Tina didn’t want to exercise, ___ did she want to study."
Fix the conjunction. "The movie was terrible, so I watched all of it."
The movie was terrible, yet/but I watched all of it.
Fix the sentence. "I'm so tried I can't wait to lay down at sofa, and take a napp."
I'm so tired! I can't wait to lie down on the sofa and take a nap.
What does the expression "pet peeve" mean in this sentence? "One of my pet peeves is slow walkers!"
Something that a particular person finds especially annoying.
What is an antonym of the adjective 'vague'?