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Film-making: what will the future bring? LIC6

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The young actress is ... making a surprise announcement, according to a source. SET TO/ON THE VERGE OF
on the verge of
The latest sci-fi blockbuster will ... 6 millions before it even hits the cinemas. BE LOSING/HAVE LOST
have lost
A new rom-com is ... earn millions after critics give it five stars. ON THE VERGE OF/SET TO
set to
The world’s most famous actor says he’s ... quitting the business. SET TO/ON THE POINT OF
on the point of
A director ... change the end of his film after film-goers gave it a big thumbs down. IS TO/WILL HAVE
is to
The latest sci-fi film premiere, which was ... take place tonight, has been postponed. DUE TO/ON THE POINT OF
due to
Film-makers are ... withdrawing their film from general release after complaints about its content. DUE TO/ON THE VERGE OF
on the verge of
By 2030, a few film scripts (write) by artificial intelligence.
will have been written
As part of the norm, in 2030 film makers (use) robots as stunt doubles.
will be using
By 2030, camera technology (improve) so much films will look stunning.
will have improved
Technology companies (make) new advances all the time.
will be making
Before 2030, VR manufacturers (create) a headset that is used by every cinema goer.
will have created
Ordinary people (collaborate) on new film ideas online as a matter of course.
will be collaborating
By the end of 2030, many of the films showing in 2030 (receive) crowdfunding.
will have received