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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Yes. He is an engineer.
Does your father work?
He is an engineer.
What does your father do?
Last night, I stayed home.
What did you do last night? When did you stay home?
No, I can't.
Can you sing/dance/swim/play the guitar...?
Yes, I love watching series.
Do you like watching series? Do you like series?
What's your favorite fruit?
I was at work.
Where were you yesterday at 5pm?
Soccer and basketball.
What sports do you like? What sports do you play?
In Curitiba.
Where do you live? Where were you born? Where do you work? Where does your family live?
My grandmother was born in 1925.
When was your grandmother born?
They are working.
What are they doing?
She's 22.
How old is your girlfriend/sister/aunt...?
I can swim and dance well.
What can you do well?
No, I don't have a sister.
Do you have a sister?
I went to the beach last weekend.
What did you do last weekend? Where did you go last weekend?
I have classes everyday.
When do you have classes? What do you do everyday?
I'm fine. What about you?
How are you?