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Fun Spring Facts

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Name this holiday.
Earth Day
Name this flower.
True or False: Baby birds learn to sing in winter.
Who was the first to propose daylight savings time?
Benjamin Franklin
In Australia and Argentina, spring happens in _________.
Fall - September, October, November.
Name 3 holidays that happen during spring.
Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, Earth Day etc
_____ Showers bring _____ may flowers.
During spring days get _____ and _____.
longer / warmer
True of False: The vernal equinox happens when the tilt of the earth’s axis is not facing towards or away from the sun.
True or False: On the vernal equinox, the sun is directly above the equator.
Equinox is Latin for ______.
Equal days
Vernal is Latin for ______.
Name 3 types of spring flowers
lilac, tulip, daffodil, crocus, lily of the valley, etc
When the groundhog does not see his shadow on Groundhog Day, what does that mean?
Spring will arrive early
True or False: Tornadoes are most common in the spring.
True or False: Scientists found that kids grow slower in the spring.
The festival of colors in India is called?
In spring, what happens to animals that hibernate?
Wake up and become active
What is the 1st day of spring called?
Vernal equinox
Australia is located in the ______ hemisphere.
The US is in the ______ of the equator.
True or False: Spring is considered an awaking or rebirth.
Name 3 things that happen during spring
flowers bloom, days get longer, gets warmer, Easter etc.