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Covid-19 Pandemic Vocabulary

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describing a disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans
a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope, that causes infectious disease in animals and humans
describing something like, caused by, or relating to a virus or viruses
a person opposed to vaccines and vaccination on principle
anti-vaxer, anti-vaxxer
a substance used to protect humans and animals from a disease
medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury
attempt to cure or alleviate an illness or injury through medical care
often passive: cause a disease to pass from animal to human or from human to human
transfer of a disease from animal to human or from human to human
a physical or mental feature that indicates illness/disease
showing symptoms of a particular disease
person infected with a virus etc who transmits or spreads it to an unusually large number of people
practice of encouraging people to minimize contact and closeness, whether by banning large or even small groups/meetings (football matches, nightclubs), or by maintaining a minimum distance between people
social distancing
isolate oneself; put oneself in quarantine, away from other people
testing of people for the presence of a disease
isolation and monitoring of people who seem healthy but may have been exposed to an infectious disease to see if they develop symptoms
describing the spread of a disease from one person to another
special clothing, headgear, goggles, masks and other garments that shield people from injury or infection
personal protective equipment (PPE)
test that detects viral particles in blood or other body fluids. (polymerase chain reaction)
PCR test
the person identified as the first to become infected with a disease in an outbreak
patient zero
a micro-organism or germ such as a bacterium or virus that can cause disease
occurrence of a particular disease throughout a whole country or the world
a sudden occurrence of a disease (or other unpleasant thing)
the word _____ means “new”
an epidemic, or even pandemic, of madness driven by individual irrational fear. It occurs when a large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusion.
mass psychosis
a piece of fibre or cloth that fits over the nose and mouth to protect other people from the wearer's germs and/or the wearer from germs in the air
official restriction of movement within or access to an area in the interests of public health
separation of infected people from healthy people for serious contagious diseases like COVID-19
keep an infected person away from healthy people
describing a disease that can be transmitted through the environment; describing a human or animal capable of spreading an infection
process of infecting; state of being infected; infectious disease
affected with a disease-causing organism
affect a human or animal with a disease-causing organism
the time from a person’s first exposure to a disease to the time when symptoms develop
incubation period
an indirect protection from a disease resulting from a large percentage of the population gaining immunity
herd immunity
modification of a virus (naturally or artificially) that makes it more virulent or deadly
change the steep upward curve on a graph of new disease cases to a flatter, shallower upward curve over a longer time period through measures such as social distancing
flatten the curve
occurrence of a particular disease in a large number of people in a particular area
the spray produced when people cough or sneeze
illness; sickness; a disorder of the body
identification of an illness by examination of the symptoms
identify an illness by examining the symptoms
any one of a large family of viruses that can cause disease in the breathing and eating systems of humans and animals
describing a disease that can pass from person to person, usually by direct contact; describing a person with such a disease
identification and monitoring of people who may have had contact with an infectious person
contact tracing
transmission of a disease directly within a community and not by importation from a foreign source
community spread
be infected with a disease and able to transmit it to others
a person or animal that transmits a disease to others
showing no symptoms of a particular disease
any point where animals (domestic and wild) and humans meet
animal-human interface
a contagious disease caused by SARS‑CoV‑2
a strain of coronavirus that causes COVID-19
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2)