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Flyers Questions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do you put your clothes at night?
I put my clothes ... when I go to bed.
What do you usually wear at school?
I usually wear ... at school.
Where do you usually buy clothes?
I usually buy clohtes at/in ...
Who chooses your clothes?
I choose clothes myself. / My (mum) usually chooses/buys clothes for me.
Tell me about your favourite breakfast.
I like eating ... for breakfast/in the morning. My favourite thing to have for breakfast is ...
Tell me about your best friend.
My best friend is ...
Tell me what you like doing in your bedroom.
What's your favourite thing in your bedroom? Why?
My favourite thing in my bedroom is ... because ...
Tell me about your favourite clothes.
My favourite clothes are ... . / I like wearing ...
Tell me about a sports person you like.
What clothes do you wear when you play/do sport?
I usually wear ... when I play/do (sport).
Tell me about your favourite food and drink?
My favourite food/drink is ... .
What time do usually have lunch? What do you like eating for lunch?
I usually have lunch at ... .
What sport do you do?
I do ... . / I play ... .
What winter activities are popular in your city?
... are popular in (my town). / A lot of people love (doing) in winter.
What summer activities do you prefer?
I prefer ... / I prefer (like) (doing) in summer.
Tell me about the weather in your city.
e.g. It often rains
What’s your favourite season and why?
My favourite season is ... because ...
What do you eat when you arrive home?
I usually eat ... when I arrive home/ after school.
How do you go home from school?
Tell us what you usually do on Saturdays?
I usually ... on Saturdays.
What would you like to see from your window? Why?
I would like to see ... from my window because ...
Are your neighbours noisy?
Yes, they are very noisy. / No, they aren't noisy at all.
Which room is the nicest in your home? Why?
(Room) is nicest because ...
Do you live in the town or country?
I live in the town/ in the country.
What is the most interesting animal at the zoo? Why?
I think that the most interesting animal at the zoo is ...
Tell me about your bedroom
My bedroom ...
What do you never have for breakfast?
I never have ... for breakfast.
Tell us about the present you had for your last birthday?
My last birthday I got ,,,
How old will you be next June?
I will be ... (years old) next June.
Which films do you like best?
I like ... \ My favourite fiilms are ...
How often do you go to the cinema?