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Reading in Reverse

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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?emoh teg uoy did woH
How did you get home?
?ereh ni toh si ti kniht uoy oD
Do you think it is hot in here?
?eivom eht rof ydaer uoy erA
Are you ready for the movie?
.ereh eb ot yppah si tac otatoP
Potato cat is happy to be here.
?tnaw uoy od maerc eci fo dnik tahW
What kind of ice cream do you want?
?retal niar ot gniog ti sI
Is it going to rain later?
?ti si emit tahW
What time is it?
?margatsnI evah uoy oD
Do you have Instagram?
!yadhtrib ym si worromoT
Tomorrow is my birthday!
?eohs ym nees uoy evaH
Have you seen my shoe?
?dnuos taht raeh uoy oD
Do you hear that sound?
?knird etirovaf ruoy is tahW
What is your favorite drink?
.peels ot og ot emit is tI
It is time to go to sleep.
?gniog uoy era erehW
Where are you going?
?ti si htnom tahW
What month is it?
.uoy teem ot ecin si tI
It is nice to meet you.
?stsohg ni eveileb uoy oD
Do you believe in ghosts?
?skcos ym ekil uoy oD
Do you like my socks?
?ni uoy era edarg tahW
What grade are you in?
!azzip tae ot evol I
I love to eat pizza!
?slamina ekil uoy oD
Do you like animals?
!gnimmiws og ot tnaw I
I want to go swimming!
?eman ruoy si tahW
What is your name?
?dnekeew eht rof deticxe uoy erA
Are you excited for the weekend?