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Find Something That...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find something that reminds you of how you felt the first day of school
Nervous? Scared? Excited? 
Find something that shows how you feel about summer vacation
Counting down the days!
Find something the shape of a beach ball
I bet it doesn't bounce like a beach ball (don't try it!)
Find something that describes a watermelon
Interesting choice!
Find something that reminds you of your teacher
Coffee, coffee, coffee.
Find something you want to learn next year
Never stop learning!
Find a book you read that makes you think of summer
Why does it make you think of summer?
Find something that has twice as many letters as the word "tape"
So that is 8 letters... Hmm... 
Find something that is opposite of huge
Do we need a microscope to see it?
Find something that is a synonym for the word hot
You are on fire!
Find something that describes your best friend
Find something you will miss next year
Go give your teacher a hug!
Find something that has the same number of syllables as the word "popsicle"
Find something that was new to you this year
Were you surprised when you first saw it/learned about it?
Find something that describes this past school year
I hope it's good!
Find something that represents what you will do this summer
I hope you get to do it!