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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you ever been to the hospital?
Do you want to share why?
it hurts when he talks or swallows food
sore throat
He fell badly and now his ankle is swollen
he's twisted/sprained his ankle
a fishbone is stuck in his throat
he's choking
the temperature of his body is above 37 °C
he has a fever
he feels that everything is spinning around
he feels dizzy
His skin is red because he's spent too much time in the sun
he has a sunburn
he ate rotten meat and now he feels sick
he has food poisoning
his ankle's got bigger, so it is...
What kind of doctor is this person?
A surgeon
You fill this out when you visit the doctor for the first time: A. application form - B. medical history - C. medical transcript - D. birth certificate
B. medical history
The covid vaccine is a type of: A. immunization - B. pill - C. disease - D. mask
A. immunization
When you cut your finger and blood is coming out, you...
are bleeding
What's wrong with him?
He broke his leg?
What's wrong with him?
He scraped his elbow.
What is wrong with her?
She has a bruise.
Are you ok Alex? You look a bit under the ___.
Are you feeling sick? You look as _____ as a ghost.
Which is a synonym for faint/lose consciousness?
pass out
Name 3 symptoms of a cold.
sneezing, coughing, a temperature, a sore throat....
Your friend has a headache. Give her some advice.
You should take an aspirin/lie down/sleep...
These tablets are for my high ______ ___________
blood pressure
Name 4 types of ache
headache, toothache, backache, stomach ache, earache
Name 3 reasons for going to the doctor
you have a headache/a swollen ankle/a cold/a stomachache....