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5. Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Sim ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Please call me when you _________ home
will get
are going to get
Let me know if you have any questions and I _________ help you
am going to
going to
The film _____________ at 9pm
will start
is starting
I can't meet you tomorrow because I _______________ play a football match
am going to
am playing
We must hurry! The train _________ at 16:30
will leave
is leaving
What tense do we use to talk about timetables that do not depend on us?
Present Simple (The class STARTS at 15:30)
She promised me she _______ (not/forget) about the party
won't forget / wouldn't forget
By the year 2050, climate change __________ (reach) a point of no return.
will have reached
Look at that black cloud! It __________ (rain)
is going to rain
The weather forescast says it ________ (rain) tomorrow
will rain
By 10pm tonight, Alba Languages ___________ (close) because the last class finishes at 9:30pm
will have closed
You can call Hannah between 1pm and 3pm. She ___________ (not/work) at that time.
won't be working
Margaret ___________ (spend) next Christmas in Ireland. She's already bought her plane tickets.
is going to spend / is spending / will be spending
Do you think I _________ (pass) the exam?
will pass
At this time tomorrow, we _____________ (fly) to Mexico
will be flying
I think I__________ (go) to the supermarket today
will go
By 1pm, all students ___________ (finish) their exams.
will have finished
Don't call me between 12am and 8am! I _______________ (sleep)
will be sleeping
What tense should we use to talk about spontaneous decisions for the future?
Future Simple (WILL)
What future tense should we use for arranged plans with a date?
Present Continuous
What's the structure for the Future tense called Future Continuous?
will + be + Ving
What's the name of the future tense we use to talk about an action or situation that will be over before a moment in the future?
Future Perfect