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1.Future Perfect Cont, Continuous, Perfect, Simp ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your friend can't think of where to go this evening. Suggest going to the movies together. → ____ to the cinema?
Shall we go to the movies?
Your family doesn't know where to leave the car. Offer an available car park. → ____ the car at the mall parking?
Shall we leave the car at the mall parking?
He has decided he (become) a teacher.
He has decided he's going to become a teacher.
Cities (become) even more crowded in the future.
Cities will become even more crowded in the future.
The agent (show) us one apartment tomorrow at 1 pm.
The agent will be showing us one apartment tomorrow at 1 pm.
Let's not go to that shopping mall. I think it (be) too crowded today.
Let's not go to that shopping mall. I think it'll be too crowded today.
Oops, I forgot your drink! I (go) and get it now.
Oops, I forgot your drink! I'll go and get it now.
Look at the traffic! We (be) late for school.
Look at the traffic! We're going to be late for school.
Don't leave your bike there! Someone (steal) it.
Don't leave your bike there! Someone will steal it.
Don't worry about your driving test! I'm sure you (pass).
Don't worry about your driving test! I'm sure you'll pass.
Look out! You (spill) that coffee.
Look out! You’re going to spill that coffee.
I feel a bit hungry. I think (have) something to eat.
I feel a bit hungry. I think I will have something to eat.
At 7 o'clock we (have) barbecue, you are welcome to join.
At 7 o'clock we'll be having barbecue, you are welcome to join.
Yeah, you may call me. At 11 pm I (not/sleep) yet.
Yeah, you may call me. At 11 pm I won't be sleeping yet.
Don't disturb me from 7 to 9 in the evening, I (prepare) for the test.
Don't disturb me from 7 to 9 in the evening, I'll be preparing for the test.
I (look) for a new flat. My old flat is too little. 
I’m going to look for a new flat.
Where are you going on holiday this year? We (possibly/go) to Italy, but we (possibly/go) to France again.
Where are you going on holiday this year? We’ll possibly go to Italy, but we’ll probably go to France again.
So don't worry, I (not/tell) anyone anything.
So don't worry, I won't tell anyone anything.
I (leave) school by 3 pm, so I’ll do the shopping then.
I will have left school by 3 pm, so I’ll do the shopping then.
I (leave) at 10 in the morning. Can you feed the cat while I’m away?
I’ll be leaving at 10 in the morning. Can you feed the cat while I’m away?
At the end of the month, we (live) in Moscow for 14 years.
At the end of the month, we’ll have been living in Moscow for 14 years.
By the time I’m 30, I (make) 1 million dollars.
By the time I’m 30, I will have made 1 million dollars.
They (watch) this film by tomorrow, so we can discuss it then.
They’ll have watched this film by tomorrow, so we can discuss it then.
I (arrive) before the lesson starts, but I’ll let you know if anything changes.
I will have arrived before the lesson starts, but I’ll let you know if anything changes.
We (finish) dinner by eight o’clock, so we can go out then.
We will have finished dinner by eight o’clock, so we can go out then.
I think we (get) stuck in the traffic on this road.
I think we will get stuck in the traffic on this road.
I (make) dinner tonight if you like.
I’ll make dinner tonight if you like.