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Vocabulary 5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20.- Lyrics-Simply, Rosenberg is not happy with some of the lyrics-Noun
It´s a complete visualization of the music and lyrics combined.
19.- Flogged-The thief had been flogged before for trying to scape-Verb
For the slightest infraction of the rules prisoners were flogged.
18.- Coffin-Dead people put them in a coffin-Noun
Coffins have different sizes
17.- Moody-Just so you know, she´s a little moody today-Adjective
She´s just been a little moody lately
16.- Distressed-Peter is distressed as the question is repeated three times-Adjective
We could not be more deistressed by what happened,sir.
15.- Prayer-Spend time interacting with the Lord in preyer ande medition-Noun
This shows us that Enoch was a man of prayer
14.- Childhood-Hylary and Mady have been best friends since their childhood-Noun
That smell brings me memories of my childhood
13.- Silence-An argument from silence is very dubious in this case-Noun
The work silence is a way of expressing something ineffable
12.- Feature-And this feature is a small part of this capbilities-Noun
This isa a great new featre for images and vectores
11.- Millennium-Our declaration of rights is the firts of this millennium-Noun
They worshipped their creators and spent a millennium in pace
10.- Century-This model was used during 14th ans 15th century-Noun
This teory of recognition was developed in the 19th century.
9.- Decade-During the last decade, this procede has yielded gratifying results-Noun
But they haven´t been active for a decade or more.
8.- Leap year-Do you know how to determine if a year is a leap year or not?-Noun
Many say it is a leap year every fouth year dot
7.- Year-Each year has its own name and traditions of celebration-Noun
The city is visited by thousands of turists every year
6.- Month-The month has a duration of 25 to 40 days-Noun
And that gave me a month to do my homework.
5.- Week-Peter and Anna are travelling to Paris in a week-Noun
Were tree hearings in he first week and eight interrogated.
4.- Hour-All this may have lasted a minute or an hour-Noun
My customer should be here in less than an hour.
3.- Minute-The minute has 60 seconds-Noun
The minute was not enough for me to finish my task
2.- Time-Time flies-Noun
Time is very slow
1.- Second-In a second I bathe-Noun
One second is very little