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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We have two upcoming projects, _______ will be managed by Ben.
both of which
some of which
The CEO has two assistants, ________ are paid enough.
neither of whom
neither of which
_______ we know that we were walking into a trap.
Little did
Barely did
__________ children enter this area of the waterpark.
Under no circumstances may
There are no circumstances may
__________ I opened the door when the dog jumped up at me to say hello.
No sooner had
Not once had
My doctor advised ___________ any strenuous activities for a week or two.
me against doing
for me not doing
For some reason, the dog wants ________ her to that park again.
me to take
that I take
My parents have always encouraged _______ up different sports.
me to take
to take
What many consumers struggle ______ is the power they have over market trends.
to comprehend
We _________ the new display if the tour guide _________ it out to us.
wouldn't have noticed, hadn't pointed
wouldn't notice, hadn't made
If we _______ more time, we _____________ a visit to the Museum of Modern Art.
had had, could have paid
had have, could pay
He suggested...
I try the new marketing strategy
me to try the new marketing strategy
The party planning committee needed to ________ the food _________ from a different catering company than usual.
getting... delivered
I wouldn't recommend _____ your clothes ______ there. The woman took two weeks to repair a small hole.
you for getting...mended
_________ welcomed so warmly on the first night, we felt right at home the rest of the week.
Having been
Had being
________ the question the first time, I was determined to get it right the next time.
Having misunderstood
Being misunderstood
_______ by mountains, this idyllic hotel is the perfect place for a romantic getaway.
Having been surrounded
_______ by the other children, the boy played by himself.
_________, John messed up the copies again. He's so useless.
Needless to say
Unnecessary to say
We desperately need to raise _______ for a new MRI scanner.
The number 42 bus will take you to one of the more _____ areas of the city.
It started to rain, the heel of my shoe broke, I missed the bus, and _________, I spilled coffee on my new top. What a day.
to cap it all off
to put the lid on it
My kid finally ________ the boy who's been bullying him for months. I'm really proud of him.
stood up to
stood in on
Jackie and Harriet are ________ friends.
You can rely on Jim to sort you out. If he promises to do something, I assure you he'll keep ________.
his word
his plan
After an arduous hike, we all felt ______ after a long bath.
Lucy didn't want a huge celebration for her birthday, so she had a small ____ at her flat.
A clothing company was in the headlines recently due to their production lines being ______ dubious.
From the way our financial consultant was talking, I _______ that the business was going down the drain.
He didn't come out with it directly, but he ______ that I had been slacking on the job.
Our magazine has a monthly ______ of around 4000 people.
Don't forget to cancel your Netflix ________ next month.