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Modals of Suggestion and Advice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where _________ we have lunch today: at home or in a restaurant? !!
My doctor feels that I _________ exercise more because I'm out of shape and want to lose weight. I think he's right. !!!
must / have to
If you are worried about getting fat, you _________ eat at McDonald's every day. You _________ eat healthy, low-fat foods like fruits and vegetables.
should not, should
Our car's gas tank is almost empty. We _________ fill it up with gas soon or we will run out of gas!
had better
Find the error in the sentence: They ought to not hurt his leg.
They ought not to hurt his leg.
What should I do if someone has a sprain? (put ice and a bandage on the joint)
You ought to put ice and a bandage on the joint.
I'm going to a party tonight. What _________ I wear: a dress or black pants?
Find the error in the sentence: You should to help people.
You should help people.
What should I do if someone is bleeding a lot? (apply a bandage and put pressure on the wound)
You should apply a bandage and put pressure on the wound.
Do you think Carol _________ save her money or spend it? She is planning to go to Europe this summer.
My teacher told me that I _________ review my notes every day. I guess it's a good idea to look at them after class.
ought to
What should I do if someone's heart stops beating? (do CPR)
You should do CPR.
Find the error in the sentence: He ought take him to the emergency room.
He ought to take him to the emergency room.