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Obligation and prohibition

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You really ___________ to say sorry for being angry, he didn't mean to break the cup.
You really ought to say sorry for being angry, he didn't mean to break the cup.
You __________ leave your rubbish on the ground. Put it in a bin!
You mustn't leave your rubbish on the ground. Put it in a bin!
The students __________ study hard to pass their exams.
The students must study hard to pass their exams.
If you want to catch your filght, you __________ at the gate one hour before take-off.
If you want to catch your filght, you have to be at the gate one hour before take-off.
He __________ clean his room before his mum gets home.
He must clean his room before his mum gets home.
Cool, there's no entrance fee to the museum. We __________ pay.
Cool, there's no entrance fee to the museum. We don't have to pay.
Do the phrases 'don't have to' and 'mustn't' mean the same thing?
No, they are completely different.
Which modal verb only exists in the present, but can be used with a future meaning?
Which modal verb is normally used to offer advice or an opinion?
Which modal verbs are normally used to talk about obligation or necessity?
have to / must