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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kitchen Items - Where do we put our dirty dishes?
Kitchen Items - Where do we put food?
Ktichen Items - What do we drink out of?
cup, glass
Kitchen Items - What do we use to wipe our face and hands?
napkin, towel
Kitchen Items - What is sharp and we use to cut things?
Kitchen Items What do we eat soup with?
Home Items- What is long and skinny with led and an eraser?
Home Items - What has dates, months, and holidays written on it?
Home Items - What has a handle, bulb, and battery?
Home Items - What has springs, a headboard and footboard, a mattress, and sheets?
Home Items - What has stuffing, a cover and case and is really soft?
Home Items - What has a cover, pages and sometimes pictures?
Home Items - What is long and sharp and made of metal?
Home Items - Where to we keep tools so we can easily find them?
Home Items - What do we use to fix things around the house?
any tool
Home - Where do you bathe and shower?
Home - Where do you put your clothes?
bedroom, closet, dresser
Home - Where do you cook?
kitchen, outside
Home - Where do you park your car?
garage, driveway, yard
Home - Where do you sleep?
Body and Health What do we use soap to wash?
any body part
Body & Health - What do we use shampoo to wash?
Body and Health What do we brush every morning and every night?
Animal Items - What do we put on a horse to make it more comfortable when we ride it?
Animal Items - What do we hang outside for birds to eat out of?
bird feeder
Animal Items Where do we take our put when it is sick?
Animals - What animals might we see in a zoo?
zebra, bear, lion...
Animals - What animals might we find on a farm?
cow, pig, horse....
Animals - What animal can fly?
bee, butterfly, bird
Animals What animals might we have as a pet?
cat, dog, bird, snake
Hygiene or home - What room do we shower in?
Hygiene action - What do we do after we are done brushing our teeth?
rinse, spit
Hygiene actions - What do we do before we come to school?
shower, brush our teeth, comb hair....
Hygiene actions What is long, thin and looks like a string?
dental floss
Actions - What can we do with our friends?
any action that takes two people
Food Show me something that is in the vegetable group
any vegtable
Food-Tell me something in the meat group
any meat
Actions - What do we do when we are hungry?