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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Czy zamierzają przeprowadzić się do Teksasu?
Are they going to move to Texas?
How long (he / know) _____________ Kim before he asked her out?
How long HAD HE KNOWN Kim before he asked her out?
(she / eat) _________ all the sandwitches by the time the guests arrived?
HAD SHE EATEN all the sandwitches by the time the guests arrived?
Before I saw the film, I (read) __________ the book.
Before I saw the film, I HAD READ the book.
Susan (nauczyła się) ______________ German before she moved to Berlin
had learnt
After we (do) __________ the shopping, we went to the cinema.
had done
Uważaj! skaleczysz się w palec!
Watch out! You're going to cut your finger!
Look at Mike! He (zaraz spadnie z) __________ the ladder.
is going to fall off
will fall off
Spójrz na te ciemne chmury. Będzie padać.
Look at those dark clouds. It's going to rain.
Someone is knocking at the door. Don't get up, I (otworzę) _________.
Someone is knocking at the door. Don't get up, I WILL OPEN IT.
(Czy pomożesz mi) _____________ with clearing up the attic?
WILL YOU HELP ME with clearing up the attic?
I have saved some money so I think (że kupię) _________ a new TV set to my living room.
I have saved some money so I think I'LL BUY a new TV set to my living room.
Look at him! (zaraz ukradnie) ____________ your bike.
Look at him! HE'S GOING TO STEAL your bike.
Stop shouting or (obudzisz) __________ your little sister up!
Stop shouting or YOU WILL WAKE your little sister up!
I'm afraid Anthony (not / visit) ______________ you after you called him a brat!
won't visit
isn't going to visit
Be careful! You (trip) ________ over your untied shoelaces.
are going to trip
will trip
are tripping
(see) _________ John tonight? Yest, we're going to the cinema.
Are you seeing
Do you see
Tommy's mum was making a pie (podczas gdy) __________ he (rozmawiał) ________to her.
Tommy's mum was making a pie WHILE he WAS TALKING to her.
My brother was sleeping (podczas gdy ja pracowałem) _____________ in the garden.
My brother was sleeping WHILE I WAS WORKING in the garden.
Ben cut himself while he (prepare) __________ dinner.
was preparing
is preparing
has prepared
(you / do) ____________________ the last task on your own?
did you do
you did
were you do
Jackson (enjoy / play) __________________ rugby.
Jackson ENJOYS PLAYING rugby.
I (help / he) _____________________ yesterday.
I HELPED HIM yesterday.
(Czy dołączysz) _______________ our team next year?
WILL YOU JOIN our team next year?
(Ktoś do Ciebie zadzwonił) __________________ two hours ago.
This is the house which (she / parents / buy) _____________a few days ago.
This is the house which HER PARENTS BOUGHT a few days ago.
My grandmother (give / I)__________ a precious watch for my last birthday.
gave me
gives me
gave my
gave mine
(Zadzwoniłam) ______________ her before you asked me to do it
I HAD CALLED her before you asked me to do it.
When I entered the room, (wszyscy oglądali) ________ the match.
everyone was watching
everyone were watching
everyone watched
everyone watch
Shelly (skończyła projekt) ____________________ yesterday
Shelly FINISHED HER PROJECT yesterday.
Adam is still doing his homework. DONE Adam _________ his homework yet.
Adam HASN'T DONE his homework yet
My aunt has lived in Ireland (od 10 lat) ____________
My aunt has lived in Ireland FOR TEN YEARS.
My father (zrobił zakupy) _______________yesterday
My father DID THE SHOPPING yesterday.
Mój tata nigdy nie był w szpitalu.
My dad has never been to hospital.
I (not / try / surf) ______________ before.
While (we/play) ____________ a computer game, my dad prepared dinner.
we were playing
we played
we had played
we will be playing
All my class mates (wear / same)_________________ uniforms when we visited the chemistry lab last month.
We (not / have) ____________ any lessons in the school lab yet
haven't had
didn't have
won't have
Jedziemy na wakacje za trzy dni.
We're going on holiday in three days.
Why (you / lie) ___________ on the floor. Is everything ok with you?
Why ARE YOU LYING on the floor. Is everything ok with you?
What (you / hold) __________________? Is it for me?
are you holding
do you hold
did you hold
were you holding
Beth (not eat) ________________ anything right now.
isn't eating
aren't eating
wasn't eating
hasn't been eating
(she / talk) __________________ on the phone at the moment?
IS SHE TALKING on the phone at the moment?
My sister (want / be) _____________ a scientist in the future.
My sister WANTS TO BE a scientist in the future.
You can (sit / near / I) ___________if you want.
You can SIT NEAR ME if you want.
Często myjesz okna.
He (mieszka) _____________ in Las Vegas for seven years.
He HAS LIVED in Las Vegas for seven years.
He (mieszka) _____________ in Las Vegas.
He LIVES in Las Vegas.
My mum (not eat) _____________ sweets at all.
doesn't eat
don't eat
haven't eaten
won't eat
I (drink) _________a lot of coffee every day.
am drinking
was drinking