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First & second conditional

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If my parents ........... (buy) a yatch, I ........... (want) to live on it.
bought, would want
Second conditional: Melissa .......... (not like) this idea if she .......... (hear) it.
would not like (wouldn't like), heard
Second conditional: I .......... (write) a blog if I .......... (have) the time.
would write, had
Second conditional: If it .......... (be) possible, I .......... (live) on an island without any cars.
were, would live
Second conditional: If there ......... (be) snow here, I .......... (ski) to school!
were, would ski
Second conditional: You .......... (become) rich if all predictions .......... (be) correct
would become, were
If I .......... (be) you, I .......... (not ride) my bycicle on this dangerous road.
were, would not ride (wouldn't ride)
Second conditional: The air in the city .......... (be) cleaner if the government ......... (not allow) private vehicles in the city.
would be, did not allow (didn't allow)
Second conditional: If robots .......... (drive), there ........... (not be) many accidents
drove, would not be ( wouldn't be)
First conditional: Unless Rob .......... (buy) tickets soon, we .......... (not go).
buys, will not go (won't go)
First conditional: If Lucy .......... (see) a double-decker bus, she .......... (take) a photo of it for me
sees, will take
First conditional: If robots ......... (work) in our homes, we .......... (have) more free time.
work, will have
First conditional: Pollution .......... (increase) unless we .......... (do) something now!
will increase, do
First Conditional: If you ......... (visit) Copenhagen, you .......... (see) hundreds of bycicles in the streets
visit, will see